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Creativity: unleash your creative power
Creativity in the workplace is central to innovation and differentiation. It is the ability to see things from a new perspective, to explore solutions outside the box and to combine ideas in surprising ways beyond the ordinary.
Management: Organizing for Success
A good manager recognizes the value of each team member and knows how to utilize their potential for the best possible collaboration.
Cultivating sustainability
Sustainability is an emerging critical area in modern business and society, as the challenges of climate change and the environmental impacts of human activity become more and more visible.
Lifelong learning is the key to continuous growth
Lifelong learning is the process of continuous learning and self-improvement that enables individuals to remain competitive, develop new skills and enhance their career path.
Human Resources: cultivating talents and fostering growth
Human resources are the most critical resource in any organization. HR is primarily concerned with managing, developing and empowering employees through various strategies and practices.
Defining a strategy for success
At the core of every successful business is a well-planned strategy. Strategic development allows companies to define their goals, identify key opportunities and determine the resources they will need to achieve them.
Innovation: a driving force for growth and diversification
Innovation is the catalyst that transforms traditional businesses into market leaders and creates new opportunities for growth. At the core of innovation is the research and application of new ideas, technologies, and methods that can enhance products, services, or even internal processes.
Productivity: boosting performance in the workplace
Productivity in the workplace is an indicator that reflects the effectiveness with which employees and teams perform their tasks. Increased productivity means that more work is completed in less time, freeing up resources for other activities or for further development and innovation.
Time management: a key boost to productivity
Time management is a critical skill for increasing productivity and achieving a better work-life balance. By implementing efficient time management practices, professionals can reduce stress, improve focus and achieve their goals with greater convenience. Firstly, organizing time through prioritization is […]
Branding is a critical process in building a strong identity for your brand. It focuses on creating a unique name and image that is constantly projected through various channels.
Leadership: The art of Inspiring
Leadership is not just a position or a title, it is a dynamic and ever-evolving process. Great leaders are those who not only guide their team towards specific goals, but also inspire and support them to grow and succeed.
Sustainability innovation score
Building a 100+ year old company necessitates innovation across 4 different levels: product innovation, process innovation, human resource innovation, and governance innovation.
Do you Push or Pull people to your vision?
Conveying your vision to the team is always conducted in two levels. The Objective Communication Level and The Subjective Communication Level.
Value-Based Pricing
Stop selling your time. Start delivering and pricing Value.
Here is a breakdown of a 1000 Euros bill received from a top craftsman.
Make the numbers talk
Providing valuable insights as a business strategy consultant is all about “making the numbers talk”. There is usually a story hidden behind the figures.
The Power of Small Wins
You don’t need more capital. You certainly don’t need more time. You need a “small wins” strategy and action.
Monitor the quality of your thoughts and take action
Monitor the quality of your thoughts and take action.
Your competitors are as frightened as you are. And yet what sets some of them apart is their capacity for action. Action is movement and movement is progress.
The importance of data analysis
In business, a company uses data analytics in conjunction with its commercial instincts to navigate its way through challenges. Making fine adjustments using objective metrics to attain a business goal.
How can data be used to resolve conflicts in business strategy?
Strategic power is data analaysis intelligence. In an increasingly dynamic business environment strategic power manifests as the capacity of an entity to capture, process and interpret big data in order to reach quick decisions.
Strategies for Breaking Psychological Barriers in the Workplace
Resistance to change usually arises from fear of the unknown and a perception that the psychological contract of the employee changes.
How can you differentiate between operational risk and credit risk?
Use a Probability x Impact assessment model to identify and evaluate the significance of each operational risks across four different areas : people, processes, systems and external events.
Multidisciplinary skills
Multidisciplinary skills-set across technical, digital and professional matters enabling versatility and adaptability to a changing environment.
Key Question for Initiative and Growth
Discover the transformative power of self-reflection with Constantinos Kounnis’s pivotal question: “What would you do if I was not here?”
5 Steps to Mastering Delegation and Building Trust in Your Organization
Explore a 5-step process to enhance trust and delegation within your organization, covering training, responsibility sharing, progress monitoring, mistake tolerance, and individual coaching.
Master the topic of your interest in a simple and quick way
Development for a professional with a full time schedule can be accelerated using a “spaced method” of learning.
Pick any topic of personal or professional interest and study this through short and frequent study intervals of approximately 20-30min. over a horizon of 3-4 months.
Shifting from Selling Time to Creating Value
If you are struggling with pricing in professional advisory services you may try shifting your perspective from Selling Time to Creating Value.
Value Before Time.
If you cannot see the value you produce most likely your clients can’t see this either.
How can positive psychology improve your business strategy evaluation?
Monitor the quality of your thoughts and take action.
Your competitors are as frightened as you are. And yet what sets some of them apart is their capacity for action. Action is movement and movement is progress.
Stand Out in Business Strategy Interviews
1. Introduce your self in less than 1 min and connect with your audience.
2. Be prepared to provide real examples-stories to demonstrate problem solving, communication, leadership, and teamwork skills.
How to connect the dots?
If your approach to a business problem is not yielding results it means that you are trying to address the situation from the same consciousness it initially created the problem. This won’t work.
The top 10 reccomendations to spark employee motivation and generate a results driven culture:
1. Delegate responsibility instead of delegating tasks
2. Show the bigger picture and explain the “why?”
3. Listen actively and become genuinely interested in their development.
The top 3 things to consider when transitioning to a business strategy career
Develop a deep and practical understanding of the industry and the competitive environment.
Understand how value may be created throughout the value chain and be in a position to identify cost and value drivers.
Time is your most precious resource as a leader
Practise the art of filtering the meaningful and value adding engagements from unproductive and tedious requests, calls and meetings using a mental sieve!
The role of a leader in creating a successful business strategy
A leader lights the torch in a path of uncertainty and turbulance. This relies on a leader’s ability to demonstrate Intuition, Optimism, Resilience:
1. The successful business strategy is usually driven by the leader’s Intuition which effectively means clear vision and a quiet mind in order to detect opportunities amidst challenges.
Things to consider first when developing a business strategy
When developing a strategy try and reflect on the following questions –
1. Suitability – does the strategy close the gap between where the organization stands and where the organization wants to go? Does it really meet the long term strategic objectives of the business?
The most important budget considerations for managing project deadlines
What cannot be measured cannot be controlled! Invest in an effective information system that enables your team to track time and cost across project tasks. Regularly review the project status in order to identify inefficiencies, gaps in the delivery chain or cost overruns which can be consciously absorbed or potentially recharged to the client.
Gemini 4R’s model as a strategy for driving transformational change in complex environments
A powerful tool to manage complex transformational change is to use the Gemini 4R’s model:
Reframe, Restructure, Revitalize, Renewal.
Establish trust quickly with your new strategic partner
A great tool to conceptualize and practically cultivate trust with a new partner is the Trust Equation.
The trust equation has 3 numerators and 1 denominator: Trust = [ Credibility x Reliability x Intimacy ] / Self-Orientation
Identify the right corporate and business level strategies
In evaluating and adjusting strategies it is important that a company has implemented appropriate information systems in order to collect and analyze data.
Select the business strategy consultant that is suitable for your company
Here is what you need to look out for if you are hiring a business strategy consultant:
Commercial awareness and industry experience: they need to be able to walk the talk.Understand your specific business model and market dynamics
Emotional intelligence and awareness : able to listen and manage people throughout the change process
The best tools for developing innovative Business Strategy ideas
Use the Blue Ocean Strategy framework to redefine the industry borders and creare uncontested market space where competiton is irrevant. Break the cost-value trade off by offering a top quality product or service which capitalizes on technology to make this accessible and affordable.
Manage your product portfolio using the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix
BCG Matrix offers a simple visual tool to classify products according to their market growth and relative market size. Going through a process of categorizing products into Question Marks, Stars, Cash Cows, and Dogs helps an entity.
5 key things that Business Strategy professionals should follow to stay up to date with industry trends
Staying up to date with industry trends and current developments involves:
Reading books and journals
Becoming part of a community of strategic thinkers
Taking the time to attend niche courses on selected insustry topics
Develop your resilience for remote work
Resilience is developed by:
Practising gratitute on a daily basis. Becoming a gratitude practitioner! The “fuel” for our daily motion and creative process is gratitude. This allows a person to positively embrace any situation and rise beyond adversity.
LEWIN’S ICEBERG CHANGE MODEL effectively describes the strategic steps an organization must take in order to manage change effectively.
The common challenges when entering a new market
Believing that a product or service will be successful “because you love it” or “because there is a need for it” without taking practical steps to research the market is a common pitfall amongst young entrepreneurs.
The most common mistakes in creating a road map
To avoid this mistake meditate and use visualisation in order to clearly picture the desirable outcome (your scope) by paying attention to details, colours and emotions.
Unlocking Success: The Power of Trust-Centric Business Strategies
Your business strategy model shifts to an entirely new level when you do realize that you are primarily selling “Trust” as opposed to a product or a service.